Saturday, November 24, 2007

Helping with the cyclone victims.

We received a request for help from World Vision for the victims of Cyclone Sidr that devastated Bangladesh November 15th. I don't know how friends or family might feel if they pulled a gift receipt from World Vision out of their stocking this year, but I'm considering it. It might be more well received if there was a "real" gift attached to the donor receipt... I'm as shallow and greedy at Christmastime as the next person, but seeing the tremendous need, in Bangladesh and everywhere, in juxtaposition with our Black Friday commercial excess just depresses me.

Also glad to hear via the twin that more large-scale help is on the way from the US. (Keeping an eye out for news on the USS Tarawa as our family has a special interest in looking out for one Captain aboard. Looks like they had a good Thanksgiving...) Other Marines and sailors are already there to help. Please remember the armed forces in your prayers, and their families here at home that are missing them.


Shona~ LALA dex press said...

What a horrible thing for me to do, respond to a question about soapon a post about such tragedy and horror. Forgive me, but I could not find an e-mail link.

I found her site, which seems to have been moved, but not redirected (I really need to mention how hard it was for me to find her,especially if she's going "big time"). She is at the Franklin Farmers Market + actually lives in Smyrna.

I have yet to use the soap + in winter is the best time for me to do it because my skin is SOOOO dry.

Kristi said...

Thanks, Shona! That was my fault...
Thanks for the info!