Saturday, December 15, 2007

'Tis the Season.

Exactly two years ago now I was enjoying this sight... check the red circle to see 4 of our group, yes, inside the ellipse. The two shaggy blondes: one me, one the twin. Sadly, they're not our pictures as our camera was .25 inch too good and got confiscated. But what's to complain about — we touched The Bono, and could see Edge's boxers through a hole in his jeans. Crazy close! What a night.
And tonight I am listening to the icy rain drip down the gutters, cradling my aching head and drinking gallons of hot tea with lemon, gulping chicken soup and feeling sorry for myself as I miss a much-anticipated Christmas party. Why do I have to get sick every three weeks in winter? I wash my hands, I stay away from the infected at work, I get rest, I choke down the Airborne cocktails... grrrrrr. I'm looking for a scapegoat and it has to be work.
I've drunk up all the chicken soup. The next zinc lozenge I see is getting catapulted out into the rain. If I have to open up another tea bag I'm going to scream. I think I'll just load up on NyQuil and put myself out of my own misery. Ah, sleep, perchance to dream... maybe of the Edge, the jangling chords of Streets in the background. Sigh.

1 comment:

Heather said...

That was pretty awesome. I'm so sorry you're sick!