Sunday, July 6, 2008

"Tunguska Blast of 1909."

It's also some kind of drink. Go figure.
Anyhow, I find this phenomena intensely interesting. In short, an unidentified body exploded in the air over Siberia about a hundred years ago, felling trees for 50+ miles around, but no crater or impact site was ever located. Scads of theories abound, from UFOs to comets to spaceships exploding... apparently Wikipedia also has some interesting little links to Nicola Tesla and Robert Peary. Cool stuff.
Today's title comes from a movie quote (can you name it?) which apparently got the year wrong: it occurred in 1908. I was surprised, but that's what I get from learning history from movies!


Nanette R. said...

I think that quote is from the X Files movie, but could be wrong, since I didn't see the movie. If I'm correct, I'll have to explain in person sometime why I know that piece of trivia. Hope the patient is doing better . . . we missed the Smiths at SS today.

Anonymous said...

Symmetrical book stacking. Just like the Philadelphia mass turbulence of 1947.

"What are you guys, cosmonauts?" "Someone saw a cockroach on 12."

Kristi said...

Hee, sorry Nanette! Kerri wins out with "Ghostbusters"... but that was a great guess! Living in a little West Texas town, we didn't get out much, but saw a LOT of movies.