Friday, August 22, 2008

Time is relative.

Why is it that a day off goes by in approximately 2.25 hours, and a day at the office takes about a month and a half sometimes? I'll never be able to understand that.
Still, a short day off remains off... and that's nice. A sleep in, a leisurely walk around the neighborhood, lunch with a friend, a massage, and a repaired AC thermostat can all add up to some most welcome r&r. I can't help but look forward to autumn, however, even though as far as summers go we've gotten off pretty easy this year. But fall with all of its cooler temperatures, crisp blue days, changing leaves, sleeping with the windows open, and [hopefully] campfires and cookouts remains my favorite time of year. So, to quote my little old neighbor again, thank you Rain, you make the grass grow... thank you Sun, you make life possible... thank you God, for changing seasons and autumn coming. Fall, I'm looking forward to seeing you in 2008! You're most welcome here.

1 comment:

JAY S. said...

Thank you God—ahead of time, for the many days of r&r Kristi has awaiting her this fall. . . may she lose count over them there will be so many.