Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Chocolate Chip Cookies vs. Radishes

My friend Brian tweeted this today and I was struck with how applicable it is to every person's life. When things are going well and one's determination is stout and firm, then it's a bit easier to face temptation and exercise self-control, look your demon in the eye and tell it to back the heck off. But when you're exhausted, beat down (a phrase from Jay here), mentally fried and your spirit's flagging, then it's a whole lot harder (is it impossible?) to say NO to that... well, insert temptation HERE: half a margarita pizza in the fridge, leftover chocolate cake, list of 250 unchecked blogs, that bottle of red wine in the cabinet, stack of Lost DVDs you never watched, all the Twilight novels (kidding. Really!), lovely sunny nap spot when you have work to do, etc... But as Brian also twittered, "That's where Jesus comes in."... true words, Brian. We weren't meant to do this alone; in fact, I kind of am starting to believe that we were set up with a fail-switch, to make us need help. So know that you have limits, that you're finite, falliable, flawed, and (in my case) freakin-LOVE chocolate cake. And margarita pizza. And that I need help saying no to some stuff, and yes to others when I don't feel like it. Because I'm not 13 anymore, am supposed to be an adult, and I can control myself. That's supposed to be what sets us apart from the apes: we don't have to do what our instincts scream out for. And sometimes I just need a radish and some exercise, even when the chocolate chip cookies sound soooo good.


kc said...

awww man...i just scarfed a big sugar cookie. danggit...

Kristi said...

All things in moderation, even cookies.