Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Abe and Catullus.

Dear wonderfully talented Abe,

I love to hate you, except you're such a great guy with a wonderful kind exceptional family...that I cannot. This is truly wonderful, and I would expect nothing less from a fellow who I SAW teach himself Latin over a year or two of lunch hours. I'm sure you translated it yourself. I'd show the Internets the final, but you haven't even posted it yet.

I am truly privileged to count you and your sweet family as friends. Now if I could just stop the ENVY. Well, that's my problem.

Check out Officina Abrahae for all your design and illustration and Latin translation needs. If you don't call us that is.

Sigh. Good friend. Latin poetry. [Is this the Italiate version of 'Come live with me and be my love'??] Gorgeous pencil sketch. Lovely.


Here's the gorgeousness completed. I have it displayed where I can see it everyday! Thanks, Abe.


Abrahamus said...

Aw, shucks. Thanks! Couldn't help but be reminded by your opening comments of another famous line from Catullus: "Odi et amo—I hate, and I love". You've got some enviable talent yourself there, as a quick glance at this blog makes quite obvious to everyone. (e.g. those collages are AWESOME!)

KC said...

Love the drawings and the subject matter!