Monday, May 12, 2008

A lovely portrait

I discovered Jane very late, but have made up for that in fervor. Not that Jane [delightful as he, er, she, is], but Charlotte's Jane. Something I read, somewhere, described the book as the quintessential Gothic romance with all the required elements, but the original one upon which all the other cheesy ones are based... yet JE succeeds in not being trite. I wish I could find that quote...

There have been so many film versions of the book that I wondered if I'd even want to see one more. The version I just watched was speedy and deviated a bit, with a bit of added romance, but I felt it was nicely done, and I loved the character portrayals and feeling, and lush cinematography.
Who can't adore Jane... and if you don't, don't tell me. I'd hate to have to raise my voice and defend her—not that she needs it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just saw this fellow in a hollywood production of 'possession' from 2002. the movie was barely 1.5 hrs, yet the book i saw it was based on would stop the Coaster if placed on the tracks. a nice cast, but that was one long 1.5 hrs...