Sunday, December 5, 2010

Waiting music.

I love Sting's music from the Police til now, and last year's If On a Winter's Night is no exception.
This year I ran across a lady's blog that made me think a bit, and appreciate the message that, no matter how many times I hear it, gives me a bit of a chill... unrelated to the weather! Read her words below:

Sting writes about the background of each song with a clear respect for the history and mystery of each one.  It is not a collection of  Christmas music… it is ‘winter’ music.   But he does allude to The Christmas Story, saying…
Since the first millennium the festival of Christmas has become the central and defining event of the winter season; the story of Christ’s birth contains many magical elements, prefigured by ancient prophecy… I appreciate the beauty of these stories and how they have inspired musicians and poets for many centuries.  It was my desire to treat these themes with reverence and respect, and despite my personal agnosticism, the sacred symbolism of the Church’s art still exerts a powerful influence over me.
After describing the songs which come from the Christmas story, he wrote the paragraph at the top of this post.  You might want to read it again.
Do you see it? A man who respects the story of Christ but does not hold the belief still sees how God’s story of redemption is echoed in the cyclical nature of the world around us, and in the art we have created across the centuries.
Do you feel it? A simple sense of awe.
Oh that we who know this story and do believe may keep this same sense of awe.

Hoping that this second week of Advent brings the awe, hope, longing and gratitude for that which we are waiting.

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